Indo-Pak Media Approach towards Peace and War Journalism during the Policy Crisis: Analyzing the Coverage of Pulwama Attack and Balakot Air-Strike in daily Dawn and The Hindu


  • Jamal Ud Din Assistant Professor at the Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Swat, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Ahmed Qadri Former Dean, Faculty of arts and social sciences, University of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Root ul Amin Khan Assistant professor, Department of media and communication studies, International Islamic University Islamabad , Pakistan



Issue of Kashmir, Pulwama Attack, Balakot Air Strike, Peace Process, Violence, Attacks, Media-Policy Interaction


This study contently examines the media coverage of Pulwama attack and Balakot air strike in daily Dawn and The Hindu, wherein the total 162 news stories on both the selected issues were thoroughly analyzed in the broader perspective of peace journalism. Supporting the core theoretical assumptions of indexing theory [media follow the guidelines of elites] and policy-media interaction model [media tow the government’s policy line], the Indo-Pak media employ, to some extent, peace journalism, especially at the time of policy crisis. However, the study shows mixed results as the Indian newspaper, owing to prevailing political environment in India, was more inclined towards war journalism 38.8% as compare to the war-oriented  12.2% coverage in daily Dawn. On other hand, the findings indicate high level of tendency in daily Dawn i.e. 53.7% towards peace journalism, comparing with 23.8% peace-oriented coverage in daily The Hindu.


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How to Cite

Din, J. U. ., Qadri, M. A. ., & Khan, R. ul A. . (2021). Indo-Pak Media Approach towards Peace and War Journalism during the Policy Crisis: Analyzing the Coverage of Pulwama Attack and Balakot Air-Strike in daily Dawn and The Hindu. Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences, 4(2), 421-430.