Socio-Economic Status of Farming Community: A Case of District Rajanpur
Socio-Economic Status, Hybrid Seeds, South Punjab, Social Position of Farmers, OLS Method, Credit Facility, PakistanAbstract
Rural development and Agri-sector development are interlinked. The present study investigates the socio-economic factors that gauge the status of the farmers community in south Punjab especially District Rajanpur. The research is based on the primary source of data. The interviews of 250 farmers are recorded. Farmers’ status is measured by Household per capital income. The used estimation technique is ordinary least squares. It is observed that almost 65 percent farmers are living below poverty line. The variables like education, health, land holdings, hybrid seeds and use of mechanization have a significant impact on farmers’ status by raisingPer Capita income. Better health facilities, availability of better seeds and provision of low-cost fertilizers are responsible for attractive farmers’ status.
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