Quality Assurance of Online and Distance Learning Education for SAARC Region during Covid-19 Situation


  • Muhammad Zia-ur- Rehman Associate Professor, National Defence University (Dept. of Leadership and Management Studies), Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Asif Mahmood Research Scholar, National Defence University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Maria Zia Research Scholar, National Defence University, Islamabad, Pakistan




COVID-19, SAARC, Quality Assurance, I-Pedagogy, E-Learning, Higher Education


The outbreak of second wave of COVID-19 pandemic has again halted routine life of normal citizen across the globe. The nature always support the change for better future and covid-19 has provide chance to change challenges into opportunities. This study is sought to examine post Covid-19 effects on ICT infrastructure for e-learning education and its quality assurance mechanism in SAARC countries. This research is descriptive in nature and use comparative analysis of numerous challenges faced by SAARC member countries for implementation of E-learning. Challenges and limitation are also brush-up for further refinement in future in these areas. Future researchers may conduct survey techniques in explanatory research on implementation of ICT infrastructure of SAARC region countries. SAARC member countries may take lead from this study to address challenges and their solutions for development and implementation of E-learning.


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How to Cite

Rehman, M. Z.- ur-., Mahmood, A. ., & Zia, M. . (2021). Quality Assurance of Online and Distance Learning Education for SAARC Region during Covid-19 Situation. Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences, 4(2), 507-519. https://doi.org/10.47067/ramss.v4i2.151