Religiosity, Fashion Fanship and Fashion Consciousness among Fashion Consumers


  • Zara Hayat Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan
  • Sahar Hayat Awan NFC-IT, Pakistan
  • Rafia Faiz Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Hayat M. Awan Institute of Southern Punjab, Pakistan



Fashion, Fashion Fanship, Fashion Consciousness, Consumer Behavior, Female Consumers, Shopping Activity, Marketing, Willingness to Pay Premium, Religion


Religiosity and materialism act as significant forces in the lives of Muslims consumers, but their roles in fashion consumption are still unclear. The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of religiosity in the relationship between fashion fanship and fashion consciousness among female fashion consumers in Pakistan. Questionnaire survey of 500 female fashion consumers, aged between 18 to 35 years, residing in five big cities of Pakistan was conducted to examine the key factors concerning fashion oriented behavior. The findings demonstrate that female consumers are auxiliary fashion conscious, engaged in fashion related activities and willing to pay premium price for their desired brand. The results also suggest a moderating role of religiosity with fashion fanship, whereas individual’s fashion consciousness shows mediating relationship with fashion orientation. The findings are limited to Muslim female consumers in Pakistan and may not be generalizable to other cultures. The findings of this paper should be of interest to marketers, manufacturers and retailers within Pakistan, as well as other countries with Muslim female consumers. This study fills a gap in the existing literature by examining the role of religiosity in fashion fanship and fashion consciousness in a large and distinct consumer segment, i.e., Muslims women.


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How to Cite

Hayat, Z. ., Awan, S. H. ., Faiz , R. ., & Awan, H. M. . (2022). Religiosity, Fashion Fanship and Fashion Consciousness among Fashion Consumers. Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences, 5(1), 67-80.