Teacher’s Implementation of Error-Correction Strategies in L2 Classroom


  • Amna Shahid Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore
  • Farah Kashif Kinnaird College for Women Lahore
  • Shazia Ayyaz Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore
  • Komal Ijaz Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore




Error-correction strategies, Linguistic Errors, Convenience Probability Sampling, Perceptive Gap, Students’ Needs


This research aims to highlight the cruciality of error-correction phenomenon in l2 classroom setting by subjecting focus in exploring error-correction strategies amalgamated by teachers into their teaching methodology and its effect on L2 learners. It further encircles the following objectives: 1) to normalize errors for students, 2) to assert that linguistic errors require timed correction, 3) to bring awareness about student’s need and preferences in l2 learning, and lastly 4) to examine whether a perceptive gap of students and teachers exists regarding error-correction. A mixed-method research design inclining towards qualitive study approach, making it lean towards quasi-qualitative research design (QUAL+quan), has been selected; additionally, the population consists of entire L2 student body and teaching faculty of Punjab from which forty-four students and two teachers of grade seven from two private schools are sampled via convenience non-probability sampling for in-depth investigation. The tools include observational checklist to identify error-correction strategies, students' questionnaire survey quantified via Likert Scale and structured interview from the teachers to study their perspective. The research finds a strong perceptive gap between students’ needs and teachers’ practices along with a practice gap between teacher’s beliefs and her classroom practices with respect to method, frequency and time of correction due to which students’ linguistic performance and their perception towards errors has been severely impacted. Hence, the research recommends synthesis of diversified correction techniques tactfully by the teachers in their teaching methodologies to cater students' needs along with commencement of teacher-training programs and students’ feedback on classroom practices to enhance their learning.


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How to Cite

Shahid, A. ., Kashif, F., Ayyaz, S., & Ijaz, K. (2023). Teacher’s Implementation of Error-Correction Strategies in L2 Classroom. Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences, 6(3), 545-569. https://doi.org/10.47067/ramss.v6i3.318