An Empirical Analysis of Non-Immersive Virtual Reality on Behavioral Intentions: Moderating Role of Openness to Experience


  • Mahnoor yousaf M. Phil in Economics (Candidate), Department of Economics and Commerce , Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Ayesha Mohsin M. Phil in Commerce and Finance (Candidate), Department of Economics and Commerce, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Shahzad Ali Lecturer, Chaudhry Abdul Rehman Business School, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan



VR Visit, Attitude Toward Service Provider, Playfulness, Attitude Toward Product, Presence, Knowledge of Properties, Behavioral Intention, Openness to Experience


This study is used to examine the impact of virtual reality in real estate and the effects of offeringconsumers non - immersive Virtual reality (VR) experience through broadlyexisting technology, to allow them to viewreal estate products. This research also highlights such technologies to enhance the customer’s experience, thoughts, and attitudes generally in a vastly competitive real estate industry. Data have been collected from the consumer of thereal estate sector. 302 consumers filledout the questionnaires and finally, valid responses 206 have been used for the PLS Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The systematic results discovered better "visiting" experiences and more positive attitudes toward both the products and the agency. Further, results postulate that knowledge of properties mediates the positive relationship between the visiting real estate properties through VR and behavioral intention. Furthermore,Openness to experience moderates the positive effect between visiting real estate properties and behavioral intention. This studyprovidesa valuable implication on a realistic level, this study also stressed the importance of offering consumers an enhanced experience of promoted products for practitioners to positively impact consumer's attitudes and behavioral intentions.


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How to Cite

yousaf, M. ., Mohsin, A. ., & Ali, S. . (2023). An Empirical Analysis of Non-Immersive Virtual Reality on Behavioral Intentions: Moderating Role of Openness to Experience. Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences, 6(2), 275-290.