Visitors’ Environmental Conservation Behaviour in the Mountain Tourism Destinations in Pakistan


  • Aisha Khalid Management Sciences, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan



Environmental Conservation Behavior, Tourism, Mountain Attachment, Environmental Values, Awareness of Environmental Consequences


This study investigates the environmental conservation behavior of visitors in mountain tourism destinations across Pakistan, with theoretical support drawn from the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Norm Activation Model (NAM), and the Visitor Impact Management (VIM) Framework. With the growing popularity of mountain tourism, concerns regarding its environmental impact have become increasingly pertinent. Understanding the behavior of visitors towards conservation practices is essential for sustainable tourism management. Utilizing a mixed methodology, together with reviews and interviews, this research aims to explore the attitudes, motivations, and actions of tourists towards environmental conservation in Pakistan's mountainous regions. By analyzing data collected from both domestic and international tourists, this study seeks to identify key factors influencing visitors' conservation behavior, such as awareness levels, socio-cultural backgrounds, and perceptions of responsibility. Furthermore, it examines the ability of current conservation initiatives and the potential for enhancing environmental education and awareness among tourists. The findings of this research will add to the expansion of strategies and policies aimed at promoting sustainable tourism practices in Pakistan's mountain destinations, ensuring the preservation of natural resources and the long-term possibility of the travel industry.


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How to Cite

Khalid, A. . (2024). Visitors’ Environmental Conservation Behaviour in the Mountain Tourism Destinations in Pakistan. Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences, 7(2), 89-99.