The Role of Language in Shaping Educational Outcomes Across Social Groups (e.g., Language Barriers in Immigrant Communities
Language Obstacles, Immigrant Learners, Educational Results, Social Assimilation, Cultural Identification, Language Assistance Initiatives, English as a Second Language, Thematic Examination, Academic Achievement, Educational InclusivityAbstract
This study analyses how language influences educational outcomes across social groups, particularly in immigrant communities where language barriers limit academic development and social integration. Immigrant students' educational issues and how language proficiency affects academic performance, social interactions, and cultural identity will be examined. We used qualitative research and semi-structured interviews with 14 immigrant kids, instructors, and educational administrators to gather their perspectives. Language barriers' implications on academic comprehension, involvement, and performance and social integration issues including peer relationships and teacher-student interactions were frequent motifs and subthemes in thematic analysis. The study explored language-related cultural tensions, as students tried to assimilate into the prevailing language and culture while preserving their own. Despite access and resource constraints, language assistance programs like ESL classes can help immigrant students, according to research. The findings strongly suggest that immigrant students' complex needs demand a personalised language help system, more inclusive education, and greater cultural sensitivity. Conclusion: Language affects educational performance and suggests ways to improve immigrant kids' experiences in different educational settings.
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