Using AI to Inform Evidence-based Decision-Making in Educational Policy
Artificial?Intelligence; Evidence-Based, Decision Making, Educational Institutions, AI ExistenceAbstract
This study evaluates the role of artificial intelligence in evidence-based decision-making in educational policy, with a quantitative research design to measure the perceptions and experiences of 200 educators at public and private universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab, Pakistan. Random sampling was applied to the participants so as to ensure even distribution and remove bias. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires that consisted of both closed-ended questions and questions that used the Likert scale. Statistical methods of data analysis applied included correlation analysis, r = 0.78, p < 0.001, regression analysis, ? = 0.65, R² = 0.58, p < 0.001, and t-tests, t(198) = 2.85, p = 0.005. Such techniques have been applied to determine the relationship,?predictive factors, and group differentiation associated with perceptions of the effectiveness of AI in educational policy-making. The study shows that artificial intelligence improves decision-making and?corrects the imbalances in education greatly. The findings do stress?the demands of embedding artificial intelligence into education systems even while confronting issues such as algorithmic bias and data privacy. It sheds light on how AI could impact?educational policy, and it provides guidance on the careful implementation of this techn
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