Empirical Evidence on Concept of Knowledge Perspective in Construction Firms in Pakistan
Knowledge, Firm Performance, KPK, PakistanAbstract
Development and growth demand proper infrastructure, roads and sustainability of management practices with the organization. In order to negate any errors that come our way, Knowledge-based perspective helps in the long run. It states that gathering information, its efficient distribution and ability to market that information in order to gain competitive advantage and gain customers as a monetary advantage is one of the main perks of being in the 21st century. Constantly removing mistakes/errors from construction practices by acquiring information through a lot of means, via internet in case of customers or feedback or most off all-knowing competitors, their advantages, discrepancies, managing your disadvantages and enabling your team to go above and beyond into negating it, so that firm could raise their competitive advantage. This visionary attitude is what keeps companies sustainable and being competitive in almost all aspects with competitors. Innovation grows; new and improved products are produced as a result. To establish the proof for the idea, in this research a total of 100 companies are taken as a sample from KPK region of Pakistan.
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