Measuring Impact of Positive Youth Development Initiatives on Youth in Lahore, Pakistan
Positive Youth Development, Youth Services, Problems of Youth, PakistanAbstract
This paper examined the impact of positive youth development initiatives on youth in Lahore, Pakistan through the provision of youth services. Youth is considered as one of the most important segments of the population in a country as it has to take over future roles and responsibilities. Currently, Pakistan is one of those countries which has the highest percentage of youth in its population. A survey of the literature showed that due to multiple socio-economic factors, the potential of youth has not been adequately utilized for the development of the country. One of the effective strategies being practised at the global level is an engagement of youth in the mainstream course of development. Using the quantitative method, 357 respondents were studied through a survey questionnaire. The respondents were students studying in 6 Catholic schools in Lahore where youth service projects have been implemented by Youth Engagement Service (YES) Network Pakistan. The findings revealed that the provision of youth services put a positive impact on the personality of beneficiary adolescents. After the provision of youth services, the majority of beneficiary youth was more caring towards other fellows, feeling more worthwhile within themselves and proved to be more useful for family and community at large. Furthermore, engagement of youth in civic activities turned an adolescent into a productive and outcome-oriented citizen. The study concluded that through positive youth development approach, youth can prove itself as a changemaker asset whose potentialities can contribute immensely to the socio-economic development of the country.
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