Impact of Management Support on Employee Commitment in Hotel Sector


  • Ashfaq Ahmad Assistant Professor, Centre for Management and Commerce, University of Swat, Pakistan
  • Palwasha Bibi Assistant Professor, Centre for Management and Commerce, University of Swat, Pakistan
  • Hazrat Bilal Assistant Professor, Centre for Management and Commerce, University of Swat, Pakistan
  • Jawad Hussain Associate Professor, Department of Commerce and Management Sciences, University of Malakand, Pakistan



Management Support, Social Exchange Theory and Employee Commitment


The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of managerial support on the employee commitment of employees working in Hotel industry of Malaysia. The study utilizes regression model to assess a survey data collected from 415 respondents working in different areas of Malaysia. The study found that managerial support is positively and significantly related with employee commitment. In order to promote the employee commitment, the manager must pay more attention to supporting employees in their routine activities to achieve comparative advantage over its competitors. This cross-sectional study is limited to a very specific geographical area, therefore, a future study with a wide geographical and organizational setting is recommended.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, A. ., Bibi, P. ., Bilal, H. ., & Hussain, J. . (2020). Impact of Management Support on Employee Commitment in Hotel Sector. Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences, 3(3), 391-397.