The Role of Local Governments in the Effective Implementation of SDGs in Pakistan
To hasten the implementation of SDGs at the local level, policymakers are stressing the role of local governments. This study investigates the local government’s capacity and role in the effective implementation of SDGs in Pakistan. The data is gathered from the Household Integrated Economic Survey of Pakistan from 2004 to 2019, from which indicators were created using key variables. Based on these indicators, regression analysis shows that there is less chance that the individual will use government healthcare facilities when the local government is suspended (SDG-3, Good Health Being). Similarly, suspension of local governments leads to a small reduction in the average number of years of schooling (SDG-4, Quality Education). Moreover, there is less chance that the individual will have toilet facilities when the local government is suspended (SDG-6, Clean Water and Sanitation). To expedite the localisation of the SDGs in Pakistan, the study recommends that the state should empower their local bodies to a greater extent which would allow the local bodies to work independently of external pressures for the betterment of their communities.