The Psychological Effects of Remote Learning on Students: Examining Social Isolation, Anxiety, and Self-Discipline


  • Aneke Rachael Akese National Research University, Higher School Of Economics, Moscow Russia
  • Hassan Latif Shaikh Department of Criminology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
  • Sara Sheraz Comsats University Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Fatimah Arshad Mughal Government College Women University, Sialkot



Remote Learning, Social Isolation, Anxiety, Self-Discipline, Academic Performance, Motivation, Time Management, Student well-being, Psychological Resilience, Online Education


This study examines the psychological effects of remote learning on students, with a focus on social isolation, anxiety, and self-discipline, along with related factors like motivation and time management. Using data from 500 university students, a quantitative correlational analysis found a significant positive correlation between social isolation and anxiety (r = 0.52, p < 0.01), indicating that reduced in-person interaction intensifies emotional stress. Self-discipline emerged as a moderating factor, helping students with higher levels of self-regulation to maintain academic performance despite isolation and anxiety. Regression analysis showed that higher anxiety negatively impacts both self-discipline (B = -0.30, p < 0.01) and academic performance (B = -0.35, p < 0.01). Motivation and time management also positively correlated with academic engagement (r = 0.60, p < 0.01) and performance, highlighting their importance in online learning success. This study contributes to frameworks such as Baumeister and Leary’s "need to belong," Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory, and Zimmerman’s Self-Regulated Learning theory, emphasizing the critical role of social and emotional support in student resilience. Practical recommendations include offering mental health resources, enhancing virtual peer connections, and incorporating self-regulation training into curricula. These findings underscore the importance of addressing students' psychological needs to foster both academic success and emotional well-being in online education. Future research should explore the long-term effects of remote learning and evaluate targeted interventions to enhance students’ resilience and engagement.


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How to Cite

Akese, A. R., Shaikh, H. L. ., Sheraz , S., & Mughal, F. A. (2024). The Psychological Effects of Remote Learning on Students: Examining Social Isolation, Anxiety, and Self-Discipline. Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences, 7(4), 319-332.